Hi intripoon,
Now, another VM got affected by this. Any suggestions?
OK now things are becoming interesting. Which Guest OS has the VM which recently has been affected. I guess not freeDOS. If so then whatever goes wrong is not associated with the Guest OS.
I have revisited your algorithm, and here are some thoughts (for details check out Advanced Transport APIs):
vmConfigInfo => check if cbt is on, if not turn it on // Make sure VM has no snapshots here
VixDiskLib_InitEx(5, 0, &lognormal, &logwarn, &logpanic, NULL, NULL); // Provide 6th param libDir here
VixDiskLib_PrepareForAccess(&connectParams, "MyApp"); // I set vmxSpec to moref=[vmname]. Is this correct? I found locations where they put moid=[some nnumber] there. // We have alredy spoken about vmxSpec update here as discussed then
vixError = VixDiskLib_ConnectEx(&connectParams, TRUE, NULL, NULL, &srcConnection); // I set vmxSpec to 0 here. If I let the moref=[vmname] in here, Open later on fails. // Againg provide a sensible vmxSpec here AND provide the MOR of the snapshot you create e.g. snapshot-231 as thrid param
createSnapshot // Create the snapshot before you call ConnectEx as you have to connect to the snapshot as CBT is associated with the snapshot
VirtualMachineConfigInfo ^ vmSnapConfigInfo = (VirtualMachineConfigInfo ^)svcutil->GetDynamicProperty(snapmor, "config"); // This is correct as you access the config of the created snapshot
extract the devicekeys of the devices I want to backup from the info above
VixDiskLib_Open(srcConnection, snapshotdisk->filename, VIXDISKLIB_FLAG_OPEN_READ_ONLY, &diskHandle);
VixDiskLib_GetInfo(diskHandle, &info);
svc->Service->QueryChangedDiskAreas(vmmor, snapmor, snapshotdisk->devicekey, position, changeidprev); // changeidprev is "*" in my case; ==> here it crashes
// theoretically continue like this:
VixDiskLib_EndAccess(&connectParams, "MyApp"); // again, vmxSpec is set to moref=[vmname]
VixDiskLib_Cleanup(&connectParams, &numcleanedup, &numremaining);
Maybe something is screwed up because of the things mentioned above. Anyway I will try to get your freeDos VM working on my ESXi 5 test machine. Cannot tell when I will have the time but will try, hopefully at the latest in the weekend. Currently I think resetting CBT should cure the problem. The question is how in your very case.
We will see. Please keep updating ...
Thomas G.