Re: Problem with get-stat command and scripting
There was a typo in the script. This line$hourMax = $_.Group | Where {$_.MetricId -eq "cpu.usagemhz.maximum"} |should have been like this$hourMax += $_.Group | Where {$_.MetricId -eq...
View ArticleRe: vmotion issue
Dear Friend,Make on you note that vMotion only depend on CPU and network, as you already mention CPU are same and both host connected in vcenter, then it is very easy task to do vmotion, by the way for...
View ArticleRe: windows 2008 is continuously working slow.........
The last twice I was asked to look at slow windows VMs... it was an AD issue. Is this Windows 2008 a DC or on a domain, and if so, please run ipconfig /all and show me your DNS server settings.
View ArticleRe: help: using PS to run a batch file on remote server
Do you have PowerShell v2 installed on the W2K3 server ?In that case you could consider using PowerShell Remoting.It will allow you to run a PowerSHell script on the W2K3 server and have the results...
View ArticleRe: Associating custom object to vCO workflows
This is a question for the VCO forum, see vCenter Orchestrator Plug-in SDKThanks
View ArticleRe: Best CPU Allocation
Hi Friends,best solution for you query is go for hotswap in both CPU and RAM, as i saw you have low memory in hardware, this would be a good option for you and also configure the aggressive session of...
View ArticleRe: Configure Advanced vApp Properties with PowerCLI
Do you mean in the OVA or OVF file itself ?
View ArticleRe: Dual-display support
Hi Carl, In your photo, Windows 7 really just sees one display, not 2. Even with mirroring on at OSX level I still get 2 displays down there. So that part is strange. With my Windows 7 VM I had trouble...
View ArticleRe: Mouse not going back to host
Remove and reinstall VMware Tools and things should work OK again.A repair VMware Tools might also be sufficient. Take at least a snapshot before updating VMware Tools so that you can easily roll back...
View ArticleRe: How to Script making Linked Clones?
Sure, try something like this $vmName="server01"$snapName="Master"$cloneName="cloned-$vmName"$esxName="MyEsx"$dsName="datastore1"$vm=Get-VM-Name$vmNameif($vm.PowerState-eq"PoweredOff"){ Try {...
View ArticleRe: Esxi5.1 updates Mixed messages?
Hi, You will find all the patch and details here : Download</title> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;… Regards,Julien.
View ArticleRe: vFabric SQLFire Hibernate Dialect is Available
Hi David I tried this hibernate dialect in a web application which basically uses hibernate criteria APIs. It works fine for all the cases but when we use 'Criteria.setMaxResult() ' , it fails. Same...
View ArticleRe: Some View VMs not getting DHCP unless Re-add NIC
Hi, Welcome to the community, and i would like to know if your VMs got an IP address or not ? because it is not clear. Then , do you have some event on your DHCP server ? maybe try to simply restart...
View ArticleRe: Tech support mode vS vCLI
Hi, Want to know the major difference between them Tech support mode, vCLI..You have the same commands available on both. But with SSH or ESXi shell local access you can run this command only on one...
View ArticlevShield EDGE for vCloud Director
Hi Folks, I'm trying to configure EDGE in HA for vCloud Director. I have configured vShield Manager. But while I try to add EDGE appliance in HA I get the below error:'Invalid IP Address input...
View ArticleRe: vShield EDGE for vCloud Director
Geachte heer, mevrouw, Ik ben afwezig tot maandag 19 augustus, uw mail wordt niet automatisch doorgezonden.In geval van urgente vragen kunt u contact opnemen met VCD Infra Solutions op nummer 050 597...
View ArticleRe: OS installation via PowerCLI
Hi, You cannot do that. With powercli you can only interact with the vCenter, ESX, or VM. You can execute some scripts inside the VMs but through the VMware tools. So you cannot install an OS with...
View ArticleRe: Best CPU Allocation
Hi Andrew, 1) Since your using vSphere Essentials license you can only assign 8-way vCpu only check below linkCompare VMware vSphere Kits for Virtualization &amp; Cloud Computing2) vCpu vs...
View ArticleRe: Cannot connect to iDRAC express
Hi, I have seen the same issue with shared nic, it was resolved by setting the nic to dedicate. Is it possible to try ? Regards,Julien
View Articlevshield edge issue
Dear All, when i'm trying to create edge site i'm getting the following error at the end like failed to perform operations on virtual machine 'vm-2605' for 'edge-2' its difficult for me to trouble...
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