Re: Issues consolidating snapshots
Hola Tengo caso abierto con HP, VMWARE y EMC para ver donde puede estar el problema. He intentado realizar un clonado de la VM y me da el mismo error: por lo que no puedo consolidar el snap La...
View ArticleRe: QueryChangedDiskAreas crashes for one VM
Hi Siva, Great pointer Using the MOB to invoke QueryChangedDiskAreas and...
View ArticleRe: Chiarimenti VAAI-Filter claimrule
Un motivo per disattivarlo su uno storage è che magari non è implementato bene o lo storage non ha abbastanza risorse per gestirlo.Ovviamente se l'unico storage, basta disattivarlo globalmente, ma se...
View ArticleRe: Limitare Utilizzo CPU a Vm
Come già scritto hai già un limite implicito dato dal numero di vCPU o vCore assegnati.Il limite esplicito ha più senso nei resource pool, per dare un limite ad un gruppo di VM.
View ArticleRe: full screen menu stuck
Wil,Thanks a lot for your confirmation.any feedback is highly welcome! Best Regards,changhai
View ArticleUpgraded to Build 1245816 on Linux host
Host: OpenSuSE 12.2Upgrade went fine, but contrary to the documentation, despite have an existing licence, it installed as a 30 day eval. Also unlike documentation, Windows drivers in VMTools appear to...
View ArticleRe: Clear events and task log
Se hai vCenter i log sono nel suo DB.Nel qual caso:VMware KB: Purging old data from the database used by vCenter Server
View ArticleRestore a deleted VM?
Hi Is there any way of restoring a deleted VM from LabManager/vSphere? Regards, Ruhel
View ArticleNeed to talk to Update Manager api externally
Hi Folks, I am new to this forum. I am currently working on a requirement which is as follows : 1.I need to check if any ESX host on a cluster is undergoing an upgrade.2.Is there a way by which I can...
View ArticleRe: vcap-cia
Labs are huge compared to DCA... but I've not completed all and I've passed...So try to focus on each task, and just skip it if you don't know or if you estimate too much time (in this case you can try...
View Articleconfigure vsphere HA
How to solved cannot contact the specified host.The host may not be available on the network,a network configuration problem may exist or the management services on this host may not be responding
View ArticleRe: VCP exam doubt
if course was v4 you can try to take the VCP4 exam (if still available).Otherwise you have to take the what's new course.
View ArticleRe: Unable to install the vSphere web client.
Seems that the file is a ghost...I did like you asked me to, started the CMD with and administrative permissions, and typed the command: C:\Users>dir /S vm_ssoreg.log, and suprise suprise...nothing,...
View ArticleRe: Unable to configure VR appliance after deploying it successfully?
Yes Biliana I am able to ping it.
View ArticleRe: Normalized CPU Speed
Interesting question, a bit of Googling found this:Computers within an organization have different processing speeds. This speed difference might cause users to request that their work be run on the...
View ArticleVMotion problem after VCenter Migration to v5.1: operation not allowed in...
Hi all, I just finished migrating my VCenter server from v4.1 to v5.1. I performed an in-place migration successfully. I have a DRS/HA cluster with 4.1 ESXi nodes that still need to be migrated to...
View ArticleRe: Esxi 5.1 host unable to exit standby mode while running wake on lan test...
Hi Pankaj, Let us try to keep the vSphere out for a min here and let us check on the management port first.With the mac address / IP, can you trigger a magic packet to verify if the WOL...
View ArticleGUI Administrator Exception
Hello, I am getting bellow error message while clicking on license Info tab under vCAC Administrator Exception of type 'System.Web.HttpUnhandledException' was thrown. Inner Exception: An error occurred...
View ArticleRe: vmwareのゲストOSに合わせてホストOSの解像度を変えたい
回答ありがとうございます。 toolsはインストールしています。タスクトレイにアイコンも出ていますし、マウス等も自由に行き来していますし、vmwareのウィンドウサイズを変更する事で自動的にゲストOSの解像度も連動しています。
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