Re: Problem with Migrate between hosts.
I tried shutting down vcenter (using the appliance) and it appeared to hang after starting the embedded database. Had to delete and reinstall. Did a regen of the cert first thing out since I could...
View ArticleRe: Unable to install the vSphere web client.
The password it wants is the admin@system-domain, which is the password you typed in when installing VMware SSO during your vCenter 5.1 install or upgrade. If you don't know the admin@system-domain...
View Articlehealth status power warning...
morning all, i want ask about vSphere client i use version VMware EXSI 4.0, why healt status warning it's normal or not? the picture can see at vSphere i'm install linux red hat 4.7 and...
View ArticleCreating Multiple VM vApps
Hi Can some one guide me how to create multiple VM vApps using vApp user role from the catalog combining 2 or more published vApps.
View Articlenew to VMWare to install two windows server 2008 r2 server make them...
Hi All, Am a software developer. Currently working on,IIS and SQL Server 2008 r2. Our client is giving access to lots of ftp,smtp,IIS and SQL Server R2 but the problem which am facing is...
View ArticleWhich OS does vCenter appliance ova file uses ?
Which OS does vCenter appliance ova file uses ?Redhat 6.1 64bit ??
View ArticleRe: Storage vMotion possible with ESXi Std Edt or not?
Still Waiting for you advice please!
View ArticleRe: new Cluster Hardware too fast for W2K8/W2K12 VMs / boot erros / netlogon
I already tried 5000ms, no difference. The hardware of our old cluster wasn't that much slower. 4 socket HP DL580G7, HP Lefthand iSCSI storage, connected to Cisco Nexus 10ge switches. The new cluster...
View ArticleПосле обновления до 5.1U1 vmnic не виден
Всем привет!После апгрейда ESXi с 5.0u1 до 5.1u1 не видны два сетевых адаптера.После загрузки хоста обнаружено, что не видны два сетевых адаптера. С помощью lspci -v |less проверил VID и DID на...
View ArticleПеренос backup с VDR
Доброго времени суток!Привожу инфраструктуры конторы в порядок. Из разрозненных хостов с гипервизорами собираю все в кластер vsphere под управлением vcentre. Машины мигрировали легко, но встал вопрос...
View ArticleRe: Unable to install the vSphere web client.
Hi grasshopper. Thanks for your reply, i tried to go with method number 2, and as you can see in the screen shot i added, the password i typed in the SSO setup is the exact same password i used on my...
View ArticleRe: Running pre-installed operating system(XP Professional) on Vmware...
Yes, I have HDD from that system and i have used SATA to USB converter to access it and made a .ISO copy of the contents in it e.g. C drive. Now i want to run/boot it using VMware!!!!!!
View ArticleRe: kavg data on esxtop too high
thanks, i'm trying to comapre my appliction performance when i'm using a virtual database to the regular physical database.the test was done by installing two lab enviorments, one with a physical...
View ArticleRe: Appear to have poor storage performance. Best test(s) to confirm?
Looking good I'd say, and conform the Dell whitepapers. The physical switch is also configured at 9000 MTU?
View ArticleRe: kavg data on esxtop too high
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, ich befinde mich bis einschließlich 30.07.2013 nicht im Büro und kann Ihre Mail deshalb leider nicht zeitnah beantworten. Ihre Mail wurde nicht weitergeleitet. Meine...
View ArticleMissing delete command in vsphere client
We have two esxi 5.1 (patch 1021289 applied) hosts, in one of them the delete command is missing (pls see see attached image) - the structure of partitions of the two datastores are identical one is a...
View ArticleI can't integrate ThinApp Roboform in Firefox
I have created Roboform package but i can't integrate Roboform toolbar to internet exploer or neither Firefox installed or Firefox portable version. When i install Roboform in the regular way from...
View ArticleRe: Memory Compression Cache
Thanks for your reply but that i knew my question is when it is created when memory contention is there or by default and is this part of the vm memory or other than that?
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