Re: Is there a limit of VMs you can place in a DRS rule?
Top man , thanks for the quick response.So I shouldn't use individual rules anymore and instead create groups to ensure all my affinity rules are applied.
View Articlevm clone scipt error
Trying to use a script to clone existing vms to a new data store, but get following. error. see attched script. Please point me in the right direction + Add-PSSnapin <<<<...
View ArticleRe: Migrate Domain Controller from HyperV to ESXi
Hi, I agree with maishsk, setting up a new DC on a clean Windows Server installation is way quicker than p2ving and having to repair your broken features afterwards. p2ving might(I'd still doubt it)...
View ArticleRe: failed to start disk migration
It is not recommended to do Storage vMotion with RDM's. Please refer
View Article"user already been assigned a desktop.." although not true
Hey, I came accross a problem on our Vmware View 5.1 deployment.When trying to assign a desktop to specific users, i get an error saying that "the user <username> cannot be assigned the selected...
View ArticleRe: Network on ESXI standalone
Dear Julien, Andrethank you so much for the answers and advise, i've configured both NIC's to be upmeans i will notice some improvement on the network share?
View ArticleRe: 'User root@ logged in' is this normal?
Here is the same problem!!!Cheers, Yours Udin
View ArticleRe: ThinApp program is saving the settings in windows registry
And what is key where application's settings are stored?
View ArticleRe: vm clone scipt error
The message "The operation is not supported on the object." has been mentioned in several threads.Sometimes a reboot of the ESXi server solved the problem, see here.
View ArticlecloneVMTask - What about storage?
I am reading about clone task: am not sure about one thing when...
View ArticleRe: Network on ESXI standalone
Hi, Sure always a pleasure to help someone in the community. means i will notice some improvement on the network share? That's depend of your nic load. If you nic was overloaded you should see some...
View ArticleRe: remove a snapshot without enough disk's space.
>[...] take a new snapshot and delete it - this should have the side effect of cleaning up the copy-on-write disks that are still needed and taking up spaceThis is working indeed !Two snapshot icons...
View ArticleRe: Add RDM to VM - concurrent modification error
One more question please.You wrote "In the ESXi logs there is probably a much meaningful error message."I would like to ask for access in the logs from our administrators.Can you please tell me the...
View ArticleRe: Thinapp Visio 2013 / Project 2013
Here, we are having the same problem!We tried 2010 and 2013 versions and the error messege are the same!We tried to do all sugestions put here (community) and doesn't work.
View ArticleRe: SUSE with LVM doesn't boot
Hi,I tried to convert the physical machine again. I switched on the option "configure the VM" after converting. At the end there was the error: 20 Error: Unable to reconfigure the destination virtual...
View ArticleRe: Add RDM to VM - concurrent modification error
You don't need to logon to the ESXi servers to get access to most of the useful logs.See the Get-Log cmdlet.Make suer you are connected to the ESXi server (and not the vCenter), then you will be able...
View ArticleRe: XA Transaction doesnt work in gemfire
Gemfire and Atomikos did not play well together when we tried this. It was 6 months ago though and things may have changed. Honestly we gave up on using it...
View ArticleIcons Showing up Different.
Good Morning, afternoon, evening, Currently one of my servers in VSpare are showing up light blue (see through). It still works and nothing is different just don't understand why it looks like this.
View ArticleRe: Not getting reports from Automatic Reporting functionality
Thanks a lot for your support and all time quick responses . We tried this work around and were able to generate the reports. We changed the system time of usage meter to 11:45 PM 31st of July and...
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