Re: vcenter has unusable lable through orchestrator client
HiThank you Ilian for reply, requested information is as follow:Vcenter Server 5.1.0 Build 880146 VCO installed silently with Vcenter in Windows server 2008 R2I can't find the location of log files to...
View ArticleRe: Creating a VMSERVER from same hardware already running Windows.
This guide will be helpful...
View ArticleHow could I merge multiple vmdk file to single vmdk file by free ?
I am using ESX5.1 by Vmware player.I would like to merge that ESX multiple vmdk files to to single vmdk file by free. Is there any way ?
View ArticleRe: partedUtil : Error: Read-only file system during write
i think the numbers are correct.... as mentioned by AT10
View ArticleRe: Graphics crash please help!
Which version of Vmware are you running. Do you have vmware tools installed in the virtual machine? And can you be more specific about the exact symptoms and how long they last, and when they appear,...
View Articlerubber band bracelets
I'm tamar8rewa. Since sunday night I am checking for rainbow loom refills because I am Archivist and I love where to buy rainbow loom
View ArticleRe: Crash when running Baldur's Gate II on Win XP VM
JonBodner, >>I have disabled the auto-reboot on crash and replicated the blue screen. The file is it and thanks a lot for your help. Best Regards,changhai
View ArticleRe: VSA 5.1xx with 2 hosts and live VMs
Here is the link;
View ArticleRe: Problems with disk array in ESXi 5.1 U1(performance has improved)
is the RAID controller set to write back cache with battery backup... try powering off some VMs and check if the latency decreases...
View ArticleRe: VDP Backup Job fails for Linux VM containing a /tmp partition mounted...
Adding GSparks& snekkalapudi . we might need to check this..
View ArticleRe: How could I merge multiple vmdk file to single vmdk file by free ?
You can use the vmware-vdiskmanager utility to change they type of disk - from your current type 1 (growable split) to either of the other 3 main types. The utility is in the folder where Workstation...
View ArticleRe: Graphics crash please help!
I believe I am running 9.0 I'll find out for sure after I re-install it again doing that right now because my graphics crashed.Okay so this is what happens. I fully install windows xp sp3 and...
View ArticleRe: Esxi Cluster help
if you if you assigned10GB to a single virtual machine that host will be in overcommited, this is a slicing type technology, not a grid based one.
View ArticleSoutheast Asia-Japan Cable System Strengthens Globe Regional Connectivity
The Southeast Asia-Japan Cable (SJC) submarine cable system is now fully operational, strengthening Globe Telecom's connectivity with the region and the rest of the world. The leading...
View ArticleRe: What is wrong with my infrastructure ?
Yes, all storage datastores who are added are set to Round Robin (Mulitpathing) and all channels are set to active I/O
View ArticleRe: Are these results as bad as they look? (DB -Pre-Upgrade Checker output)
yeah im aware that i need to updrade to SP4 come upgrade time (running sp3 at the moment). Would that have any effect on those errors?
View ArticleRe: VMDirectPath and ATI Radeon
After reinstall with ESX 5.0 update1 , and try passthrough again,everything run smooth even USB mouse and the sound
View ArticleRe: How could I merge multiple vmdk file to single vmdk file by free ?
Thank you.!I could do that vmware-vdiskmanager utility in VMware Virtual Disk Development Kit
View ArticleRe: Are these results as bad as they look? (DB -Pre-Upgrade Checker output)
SP4 is not neccesary... resolve the error as per recommendations...
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