Re: Checking VM Guests for AV
You should use Invoke-VMScript associated with something like Get-WMIObject Win32-Product | ? { $_.Name -like "Forefront" }
View ArticleRe: Размер базы vcenter
так (( сжатие базы не помогло, думало думало и так и осталось 10гигов
View ArticleAssign IP address to VM
Hi All, I am new to this community. What I am trying to do is :1. Clone our one of the existing VM using vmclone.pl2. I am mounting an ISO image to it using
View ArticleRe: vCenter Single Sign On master password
This hash and the procedure resets your master password ... So maybe something else is going on?
View ArticleRe: Размер базы vcenter
А попробуй делать не сжатие базы целиком, а сжатие каждого файла отдельно. Заодно посмотри, сколько там свободного места по версии SQL
View ArticleRe: vCenter Server Heartbeat Console and Firewall Ports
vCenter Heartbeat uses port 52267 as the default Client connection port. The active server listens on port 52267 for any client connection requests. Once the client has connected to the active server,...
View ArticleRe: creating multpile vitual machines with a .vmdk file.
Awesome. I exported the VM as a single OVA file and now i can import it the number of times required. This is the easiest way. Thank you.
View ArticleRe: E' disponibile la prima guida italiana per VMware vSphere 5.1
Ciao Alessio,ho avuto modo di leggere buona parte della tua guida. Che dire, davvero complimenti, scritta in modo professionale con concetti sempre chiari. Mi occupo di formazione da diverso tempo e ti...
View ArticleMoving VM from ESXi to ESX
We are looking at moving a VM machine from ESXi to ESX is there any problems with copying & pasting the VM folder over to ESX? (Eg. Are the vm images from ESXi compatible with ESX)
View ArticleRe: vmware pricing - some confusion on cpu limits
Correct, for example this one: "6 Processors - scalable with additional licenses"You can have 3 servers with 2 processors each or 6 servers with 1 processor each or any combination of the two. // Linjo
View ArticleRe: Checking VM Guests for AV
Thanks fabiendibot, could you give me more details as I am new to scripting.
View ArticleManage virtual networks in vmware player on Linux Mint
Hi all, Can someone point out how can I manage virtual networks on Vmware player on Ubuntu/Linux mint?
View ArticleRe: No Internet on VMWare WS w/ Linux 2.6.22 kernel
hi . am using vmware player 5.0.2. i cant find any package by the name vmnet.tar.. can u help me ??
View ArticleRe: Installing Net Framework 1.1
It turned out to be this problem, so indeed not VMWare related:;en-us;824643It worked fine after following the instructions,
View ArticleRe: How to open Cisco WSA
i dont have .vmx config file. i tried to create a new VM and added the .vmdk as an existing Virtual hard disk, but when i try to power-on the related VM i get the follwoing error msg Err 4 1
View ArticleRe: Adding VMWare tools and enabling copy/paste to a VM already running?
Go to the VM tab and dropdown to Install VMware Tools. Follow the instructions. End of story
hi, I HAVE 5 esxi vSphere Essentials Kit for 3 hosts licenses and 18 hosts. Now with each licence i have vcenter server licence for 3 host . now i was trying to assign all vcenter licenses to single...
View ArticleRe: vmware pricing - some confusion on cpu limits
thx Linjo.Is 1 processor == 1 socket ? confirm me this.
View ArticleRe: Размер базы vcenter
Тогда можно попробовать посмотреть какие объекты больше всего места занимают, из этого делать выводы. SQL какой версии?
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