Re: Help with install ESXi 5.1 with SSO
SQL 2008 is on a separate server. I have confirmed it is up and running and logged into the SQL Management Studio and then booted up the VCenter VM. Memory allocated is 1GB for both SQL and VCenter...
View ArticleRe: Help with install ESXi 5.1 with SSO
So your comment about my RAM had me searching and per the VMWare link below I need 10gb minimum RAM to run Vcenter, SSO, and inventory service on same machine. I gave my VM 10 GB of ram and then...
View ArticleRe: SSO database import - Bug
This is a known issue.. you will need to contact VMware support to get the jar file with the workaround/fix for this. RegardsGirish
View ArticleRe: vSphere server install error on Windows server 2008r 64bit
yes.. the command to run is "dcpromo" and follow the wizard. RegardsGirish
View ArticleRe: in vCEnter servers running link mode - Some can see everything, others...
I assume you checked the roles and permissions associated with the accounts that failed to get access to the other VC. RegardsGirish
View ArticleRe: Unknown: Out of Memory [5880] in syslog
Well, I decided I'd wipe ESXi and recreate everything from scratch. So new install of ESXi(updated to the latest public build, 1157734), I did reuse the vmdk files but the remainder of the VMs was...
View ArticleRe: ESXi hypervisor free version license question.
Hello weinstein5.I have a one more question. I checked vSphere Essentials kit description at Vmware pricing page ( what's inclue), but there is no thin provisioning feature. but vSphere Essentials kit...
View ArticleRe: Black Screen When I log into View 5.2
Firewall settings are just one of the 3 setup steps needed. If the other 2 are not correct you will also get a black screen. Mark
View ArticleVMwareHA 不具合について
VMware vSphere 5.1でのVMware HAが正常に動作しない事例として主にどういった事例がございますでしょうか?(正常に設定したとして)たとえばログが大量に出力されてESXiがハングアップしたなど。 HAの信頼性を保証することが目的です。 具体的な事例等ご存知の方 ご教授いただきたく。
View Articlevmware upgrade esxi 4.1 to 5.1
Hi, Can some one please give me some plan for upgrading my esxi from 4.1 to 5.1 ?? What i need to consider. What steps should i follow. ?
View ArticleRe: Mac OS X Tiger Guest Crashes on Haswell
The question wasn't about how to workaround the enforcement of licensing limitation. This was a technical question about the kernel, incidentally released as open source on the Apple web site. Sorry to...
View ArticleCPU ready summation is high
Dear Team, we have ESXi 5.0 and placed a single VM on this box to test the performance of the VM, still we find the CPU ready summation high. Please let me know what could be the issue. Regards,SSK.
View ArticleRe: v6 can you reformat the HD to a smaller size?
No, once a disk is partitioned/formatted it cannot be downsized in the VMware Fusion UI however you can either make the virtual partition smaller from within the running OS, where supported, or use a...
View ArticleRe: VMWare Fusion 6 crashes on 10.8.5 during installation
Hi mrfearless47, Are you encountering the crash described in this other thread? Fusion 6 Professional crashes on launch If that isn't what you're seeing there, could you please attach one of the crash...
View ArticleRe: VMWare Fusion Tech Preview 2013 - VM's don't switch to full screen mode...
VMware Fusion 6 was released yesterday, so you should upgrade to the GA release as the TP is no longer relevant!
View ArticleRe: VMWare Fusion Tech Preview 2013 - VM's don't switch to full screen mode...
Thanks, I just noticed that too. In the process of downloading it now.
View Articlechanging host password via perl SDK?
Can anybody provide a quick pointer on how to change the root password using the perl SDK? It appears that I need to create a hostConfigSpec (with userAccount property) and call applyHostConfig_Task...
View ArticleRe: RDP locking up on 2008 R2 VM
Hi xbradshr, david2009 Nicely explained all the possibilites . I am sure that will help you.If still more information please let us know If at first you don't succeed; call it version 1.0"
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