Re: VMWare linux wont compile
Here you go:Bottom Line:VMware wont compile.Some command line outputdescription: VMware Virtual Machine VMware, Inc.depends: vermagic: 3.10.9-200.fc19.x86_64 SMP...
View ArticlevCenter Orchestrator & PowerCLI
Hi, Many at my company are very enthusiastic about vCO. The hope is we can avoid using PowerCLI and just use vCO. I do not think that is realistic. Am I wrong? Is vCO meant to do everything one can...
View ArticleRe: HA no hace nada
HolaEl problema estaba en la máquina virtual, porque lo que hize fue hacer la prueba con otra máquina virtual y con esa funciono correctamente, porque no lo sé...pero lo que está claro es que dependia...
View ArticleRe: Can't install VMWare tools
It seems I pasted the wrong link. Let's try this again. That is actually for Workstation but I used it successfully with Player just a couple of...
View ArticleRe: Some VMFS datastores are missing after successfully upgraded to ESXi5.1u1b
There are a couple of posts with CX3 not being compatible/supported wit ESXi 5.x. The CX3 is only supported for ESXi 4.1 and some older versions. André
View ArticleRe: Clone ESX
To netter understand what you are asking - You have a cluster of 5 ESX hosts running ESX 3.5 U5 - one of the hosts died and you know need to rebuild a host - is this correct?
View ArticleRe: Can't install VMWare tools
Have a look at using the patches from:
View ArticleRe: vmToolsd.exe
vmtoolsd.exe is a vmware tools service. There is no harm in reinstalling VMware Tools. To do that go to control panel and uninstall VMware Tools from programs list. Then install VMware Tools by...
View ArticleRe: Problem with VMware Player - cannot start my virtual machine
That means this software, which i got down there is impossible to open or?. I'm really interested what is the cause. My language and computer skills are maybe not good enough to understand the real...
View ArticleRe: Slow performance and speed in VMware ESXi 5
Please provide some details about the host system (vendor, disks, RAID controller, ...).In case you are using a RAID controller with battery-buffered write-back cache, double check whether the battery...
View ArticleConnected client name
I want to capture the connected client name from remote sessions for reporting purposes, however, I have been unable to find this stored in ADAM, the event database, or any logs I have looked through,...
View ArticleRe: Clone ESX
That's right, and like all servers are equal in features, so I'm doing the Raid level copy of HP ... Also, make the change of hostnames, IP hypervisor and vswif IP ... The disk clone is one of the...
View ArticleProblem Workstation 9.0.2 shut s down host PC
I have a peculiar problem with the workstation 9.0.2. Build 1031769, it starts correctly but when you try to start a virtual machine (windows 7 or XP) it shuts down the host computer. I mean it...
View ArticleVMware Workstation e.x.p build-1245816: This beta has expired …
VMware Workstation e.x.p build-1245816 tells me that "this beta has expired. You need a newer version to power on virtual machines".But:There is only a new license key available, announced to expire by...
View ArticleRe: Can't install VMWare tools
Well I'm making progress now. The patches listed there seemed to work better than the patch I was trying to use for my current setup. I compiled the modules using the vmware-modconfig command without...
View ArticleRe: VMware Workstation e.x.p build-1245816: This beta has expired …
In a Terminal, try using the following command: /usr/lib/vmware/bin/vmware-vmx --new-sn M109C-N0J5L-08J8A-02ARP-CE64F
View ArticleHard drive vs. ram
I've got several ESX5 boxes with 64 GB to 256 GB of ram. All servers built onto VM use SAN Symphony as HDs/storage. I've got intermittent issues with one server in particular. It's our DFS server,...
View ArticleRe: ESX5.0 Host Not Responding
HI Avinash, Thanks for checking this. First i thought this is was due to bad cable or switch port. But now i can see this is something misconfiguration. So my setup is like this imagebut we have set...
View ArticleWhere is document how to make Vmware HA environment ?
Where is document how to make Vmware HA environment ?
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