Re: Constant NetBIOS Name Service query/refresh for Windows 7 VM
Check out MSN article NetBIOS - Recommendation to disable within TCP/IP on client PCs - Security Protection - Harry Waldron (CS)
View ArticleRe: VMmark latest edition applied
Rebecca,1) Virtualclient2, yes, the PATH wrong, fixed 2). I do not know what is client0, please see my screenshots below, there are all the vms in my cluster, and "DeployTemplate" is the template....
View ArticleRe: VDP backup performance over NBD
Didn't say anything about speed. I don't think the limit of NFC connection and the 32MB buffer will cap a single VM backup at 20MB/s.
View ArticleRe: SRM 5 with netapp SRA, FCOE to iSCSI site with RDM
YesYesI would recommend if possible have an AD Domain controller already running at the DR site - this can be a VMYes the PROD site domain controller can be physicalI would keep it all consistent so so...
View ArticleRe: Connect-VIServer fails
You try it without username and password parameter and see if it prompts you for one. if it does, it means it got the correct value from the DB for the vCenter part. You then need to do the same for...
View ArticleRe: how to set up vmware channel between primary and secondary vCenter...
> I think it's physical network layer issue, I don't think there is a mis-configuration on VMware layer, maybe firewall between datacentres?Firewall between data centers? How do I get around that?...
View ArticleRe: how to set up vmware channel between primary and secondary vCenter...
Also, I've noticed the netmask is different on the two esxi hosts. Would that make a difference? 172.x.x.x (netmask: (netmask: Is that possible that something...
View Articleproblem :every time powering on ... server need to reconnect to second...
problem :every time powering on ... server need to recconect to second Replication server in Vmware Replication : i need to automatically reconnect my first replication server to second server ????
View ArticleRe: How to do a random linkage of child VMDK
Hi Andre, Thanks for the reply. I use VDDK 5.1.1. In docs i see two API's VixDiskLib_Reparent and VixDiskLib_Combine. How can i use these API's ? And one more question, While creating a child disk...
View ArticleRe: Oracle RAC with SRM 5.1
Hi Guys, Any idea how to protecting VMs with sharing VMDK with VMware SRM 5.1?im still struggle to fix this issue. Thanks Before, RgdsDika
View Articlei need to enable turbo boost on my esxi 5 server
i need to enable turbo boost on my esxi 5 server it is enabled on BIOS ??
View ArticleRe: check the vm esxi host name from the guest os where the vm is running
I edited vm from its advance properties and created this entry guestinfo.hypervisor.hostname = esxi hostname i typed hereand then i executed this command vmtoolsd.exe "info-get...
View ArticleRe: A VixDiskLib_Read() failure causes "consolidation needed" on the VM
Hi Thomas, I've did what suggested in the two sections, but still no luck... What I have in the codes follow these steps, Connect:VixDiskLib_InitEx()VixDiskLib_PrepareForAccess()Take...
View ArticleRe: Air Display - Usage?
I'm updating the status of this to a BUG in the new graphics engine based on the following response I received from the makers of Air Display: Your request (#19457) has been updated. You can also add a...
View ArticleRe: vmware view
Hi, I'm in the process of setting up UM, is the above statement still a fact? No support for View in UM? //J
View ArticleRe: How to restart a suspended virtual machine?
Thanks for using Fusion. To force restart a VM, you can click Virtual Machine menu, hold option key, the disabled Shut down is changed to enabled Force shutdown. However, I would like you to restart...
View ArticleRe: powercli script to capture cpu & mem usage stats
LucD, Thanks for your posts.I am looking for a powercli script to get the performance reports (CPU/Memory usage) for selected VM's. Duration is between 9AM-5PM for 10/20 business days. CSV output is...
View ArticleDebugging Guest Linux OS in VMWare
I am using VMWare Workstation version 7.1.0 and Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (64 bit) Virtual Machine as the guest operating system, Windows 7 64-bit as the host operating system. I am trying to debug the linux...
View ArticleRe: Not seeing VDP plugin on web client
First time after deployment, plug-in may not be visible from web client. Try re-logging into web client and check if it solves your problem
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