vCo : Number to base16 conversion method
Hi all, I m new to vCo and trying to find a way to convert a number to an integer base16.Unfortunately i did not find any method allowing to do it easily, is there any way to do it without having to...
View ArticlePowerChute Network Shutdown и несколько UPS'ов
Ситуация следующая:Есть 3 стойки с 15-ю ESXi. В каждой стойке свой UPS. Необходимо корректно выключать сервера и vm в них при пропадании электроэнергии. У APC есть решение - PowerChute Network Shutdown...
HOW TO INSTALL update mananer am ruining v center server 5.0.0 434157, there is no update manager tab in vcenetr how to install
View ArticleHow do I find the id of the vappTemplate given a vm object or vappTemplate?
Hi, In VCD, I use a vappTemplate in order to create a VM. Now after creating the VM, I need to retrieve the id of the vappTemplate from which this VM was created. But looking at the vm object (in the...
View ArticleRe: how to make a better performance during storage vmotion?
I implemented iscsi with my iStorage Server ,and the performance is apparently poorer in ESXI than other type of servers with same iscsi configuration.Also , If the iscsi storage and local storage are...
View ArticleRe: Need to set "vSphere Distributed Switch" after fresh install ESXi 5.1 ??
Hi NuggetGTR, Yes, this moment is planned to upgrade 1 ESX server only. Like below pic, I have to remark which NIC mapped to which adapter in dvswitch ??
View ArticleRe: Удалил не нужную вирт. машину, а пространство не освободилось.
в RVTools, в последней закладке(vHealth), можно увидеть список так называемыx Zombie VMs. это VM-ки которые существуют на датасторах но не зарегестрированы в vCenter-еНо будьте осторожны, VM-ка...
View ArticleRe: Ошибка запуска vCenter
Проверте все ли в порядке с сетью, и может-ли конверртирований vCenter достучаться до домайн контроллера по FQDN. вот KBVMware KB: The VMware VirtualCenter Server service fails to start with an Error...
View ArticleVDI study project
Hello, I have a problem that looks like this: I try to create a VDI infrastructure project for studying purposes with the following requirements:- 1 server which hosts the virtual machines and some...
Hi, first you need to install the Update Manager Server ( can be installed on your vCenter Server ). The installer is on the vCenter Server Image. After that you connect to your vSphere Client to the...
View ArticleRe: AutoDeploy plugin 5.1 just not working...
I do get the same error. I tried changing the mode to "Session per User", still no luck. I see following error in the log file as well:2013-08-21 06:33:07.160+0000 WARN [AutoDeployManager] Unable to...
View ArticleRe: what is the advantage of separating the ESXI OS from the Data?
Given that ESXi is perfectly capable (and supported) running on an 8GB USB drive or SD card, putting two SAS disks in a mirror just to install the Hypervisor is a very expensive option. Still, I see...
View ArticleRe: vCo : Number to base16 conversion method
I found some code that fits my needs : var hexes = ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F'];var min = min || 2;var nibble;var outHex='';do{ nibble = inNumber...
View ArticleRe: vicfg-cfgbackup не является внутренней или внешней командой ...
Может проблема с PERL-ом, у меня запустилось без прописывания чего либо в PATH.попробуйте запустить из bin C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware vSphere CLI>cd bin C:\Program Files...
View ArticleRe: Multiple interfaces on one Virtual Machine
I tested that on a simple manually created virtual machine with RHEL6.4 and 2 virtual NICs - result was the same. I even have GUI on that machine, open settings for network, put 2 IPs that I can use...
View ArticleRe: Connect-VIServer fails
Hi, Thanks for your reply, the write-host command gives me the below output: System.Data.DataRowSystem.Data.DataRowSystem.Data.DataRow I guess write-output should be the correct command, I am able to...
View ArticleRe: Perl SDK - get/set vSphere 5.1 tags?
Hi William,thanks' for the reply.I mean the vSphere 5.1 Tags, -> the topic of this thread .These tags have been called "custom attributes" from the guy that opend this discussion, and I expect that...
View ArticleRe: Connect-VIServer fails
I have attached a screenshot, although the IP address is blacked out, of course for security reasons.
View ArticleRe: A issue with vSphere web client
Is this the same all VMs?yes, the same all the VMs have same issues. Did you install the Client Integration Plugin?yes, install the plugin already. Do you have a firewall in place between the client on...
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