Re: ESXi Networking
The main theme is when you are connecting with vswitch to vswitch in this case you have to configure this port trunk.All 4 NIC should be access port.Regards,Milton
View ArticleRe: Monitoring the appliance
I am also looking for a way to monitor collections programmatically for v3.1. I have several usage meters installed, and it is not very practical to log into each UI regularly to check the "Monitor"...
View ArticleRe: Windows Server 2008 32Bit standard on esxi 5.1
Welcome to the Community - Yes your can - Virtual Machines can run 32 bit operating systems It is the servers that vSphere run on that must be 64 bit machines
View ArticleRe: Network Shared Drives Performing Extremely Slow
Welcome to the Community - how is many ESXi hosts are you running? How is the network configured for the VMs?
View ArticleRe: Split Screen on Workstation 7
This may help you ..,Milton
View ArticleRe: VHD file to VMDK
You can - check out page 47 of
View ArticleProblems virtualizing my crashed home computer, please help.
It looks like my system board fried. So, I thought, why not take the hard-drive out, put it in an external enclosure and virtualize the machine. Went to Best Buy and bought a SATA - USB3 external...
View ArticleRe: Query for IP address and assign value to variable
This is work fine... Regards,Milton
View ArticleRe: clipboard syncing erratically doesn't work
marc/beej666, Thanks a lot for your input and I have engaged with our Dev through an internel ticket 1079086. thanks a lot for your patience.I am sorry that I did not have any idea why you could not...
View ArticleRe: vSphere Infrastructure planning - Essentials Plus
Thanks heaps, It does seem a bit too complex for what it achieves as you point out, Could I ask your opinion on the attached?- basically add another NFS store, have 2 datastores on each with each host...
View ArticleRe: Problem with get-stat command and scripting
It worked! Thank you. Turns out that I had forgotten I need not only resource pool data but also ESX-host data as well.What would the script be like if ESX daily stat csv files were in the same folder...
View ArticleRe: View User Sessions - Report
Please have a look.. Regards,Milton
View Articlewhat kind of vm-OS can be backed up with vmware data protection?
Hi all, can I use VDP to backup domain controller, exchange cas&hub, AD Certificate service server in virtualization? thanks.
View ArticleRe: Help with adding multiple virtual disks to an existing vm
Hello, saki893- As you seem to know, the New-HardDisk cmdlet does not itself allow for adding multiple harddisks in one call. You could use a Foreach-Object call to add X number of harddisks to a VM,...
View ArticleRe: Virtual network cards only 100mbs - how to speed up?
If your VM is only reporting 100Mbps network speed, that is because you are using the VLANCE VMware NIC instead of the VMXNET NIC. Don't worry, it's a false indicator, your virtual NIC is still...
View ArticleRe: VLAN Configuration on ESXi Hosts
As your security purpose you don't wanna give access your VLAN to different VLAN.So you just use access port and trunk when you connect Vswitch1 to Vswitch2 .Also make sure that you don't route your...
View ArticleBest Practice for RAID Configuration fo Cisco UCS C420 M3.
I have Cisco UCS C420 M3 Rack Server.The server has 2 Disk Controller (RAID Controller) and each controller manage 8 HDD (Total 16 HDD). I have 2 kinds of HDD capacity, 300 GB and 600 GB.for 8 HDD...
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