For no matter which issue caused the deployment hung. There is one workaround to disable the random password. That's to reboot the server, enter the Single User mode on boot, and then change password for root/serengeti user there.
Here is the steps:
1. reboot the vm
2. press the down arrow key to enter the Grub
3. press 'e' to edit boot options
4. select the entry start with "kernel /vmlinuz ...", press 'e' to edit, append "init=/bin/bash" to it, press enter to save
5. press 'b' to boot from this entry, you will see the console start with "sh-3.2#" after boot up
6. remount the hard driver sda3 as read write, with cmd "mount -o remount,rw /dev/sda3 /"
7. change the password with cmd "passwd"
8. reboot the server
After the above steps are done, you can SSH to the Serengeti server, and check logs in directory: /opt/serengeti/logs
If you cannot find the problem from the log files, you may send the logs to VMware, and we'll help to determine it.
In addition, If you're afraid the network has problem, an easy way to detect is to check the configuration file at /opt/serengeti/conf/ file. Please check if the ip address for "" is reachable from Serengeti server.
If not, you need to change that address to one reachable from Serengeti and then rerun /opt/serengeti/sbin/serengeti-firstboot.rb to finish the deployment process.
For any more questions, please let us know.