1. It was a screenshot of the folder within the Win 7 host. The .vmx and other files are shown in the screenshot.
2. No, no snapshots at all.
3. Nothing new has been installed for a while within the client, at least not by me. But this VM does login to my corporate domain and my IT department pushes software down from time to time. The max size was 100GB. It was created as a single file. The disk size was not pre-allocated. I checked my installed programs list and "Team Viewer Client" from www.teamviewer.com was installed, but that is a remote support app, so I doubt it would be related.
4. I have used the similar disk tools in the Windows client. The disk cleanup tells me the following:
I took the screenshot below from within the client in case that helps:
Also today, after a crash of Workstation, I was told my virtual disk was corrupted. I used the built in DOS-based utility to repair it.
I’m really hoping that the “solution” isn’t to build a new VM from scratch. While I can definitely preserve my data, it’s just a PITA. I do have a backup from ~4 weeks ago that I could go off of, but again, a PITA.
I’m hoping that VMware is able to look at logs or something to figure out what is wrong, so at least they learn from my pain. That’s the point of Betas, right?