I finally found the solution with VMware support.
- Follow the manual http://en.opensuse.org/SDB:Recover_root_password:
- Boot from SuSE Install CD/DVD:
- select Recovery
- log on as root without password
- fdisk -l to detect a system partition
- mount /dev/sda3 /mnt (where /dev/sda3 is the system partition) to mount
- Reset the root password
- do a backup of a shadow file with passwords: cp /mnt/etc/shadow /mnt/etc/shadow-bak
- edit the shadow file: vi /mnt/etc/shadow (see Understanding /etc/shadow file)
- DO NOT delete passwords, you can't log on with no password
- I fortunately have created one other user with a password I know. I copied a hashed form of the password from this user to root. Maybe there is another way to get a hashed form of some word and put it to root if you don't have other user created with a known password.
- I can log on as root after reboot.
Thanks to all. Pavel